Sunday, May 31, 2020

Izzy (Deer) Stew Follow Up:

A word to the wise regarding my recipe for Home Shot Deer Stew I wrote a little while ago. A guy named Steve said that he made it for his girlfriend, and she broke out in hives from the deer meat. He says she has a deer meat allergy and didn’t know about it. I can’t imagine going through life not being able to enjoy delicious deer sausages, but it’s not worth heading to the doctor! Be careful out there, everyone! 

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Possible Izzy Sighting in the Great White North:


Although it’s not the first time Izzy has been spotted (probably) in Canada, this was the latest. It was in a place called Moosejaw. (I looked it up in case this person was joshing me. It’s real.) So, the person said that they saw a guy in the forest near his house wearing a toque (again, totally legitimate. It’s what our northern brothers and sisters call a hat! Toque - Wikipedia) Anyway, this toque looked a lot like Izzy’s beautiful hair shape. So, at first, I was like maybe. But holy moly! This is the photograph from Wikipedia!

This is King Philip II of Spain.

Now, I don’t know what to think. Maybe Izzy comes from royalty? Jeez, I did not need another mystery to solve!

Izzy Movie is Out!:

Okay, so the movie Izzy Lyon: The Unspun Truth is finally out! And I’ve watched it…about a gajillion times! (I’m exaggerating, of course. T...