Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Izzy in Disguise: Part 2:

 My nephew Stew is on a roll! He sent some more pictures of Izzy in disguise. This time with a full beard.

 Without further adieu:

This is amazing! It's easy to see how much a beard can hide your true identity. It almost looks like his high-top fade is coming out the other end of his head. Incredible!

Okay, this is more of one of those hipster type beards. It also shows what could happen if Izzy starts going gray because all these years on the lam are taking their toll!

Okay, this one is way more subtle. You can still make out Izzy's chiseled jawline beneath those well-trimmed whiskers. Subtle, but effective!

Okay, this one is kinda crazy, but shows that Izzy could have been posing as Santa at the local mall at Christmas time and you'd never even know it!

More help for you Izzy Searchers out there and another big thank you to my nephew Stew!

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Izzy in Disguise:

So, we spend a lot of time in the Izzy Searching Community discussing how Izzy could disguise himself in plain sight. So anyway, I was at a family potluck and was saying that Izzy might not be able to bring himself to change his signature high-top fade because that would be like cutting off your left arm. (Full disclosure: I had an uncle who cut off his pinky toe to dodge the draft. Just saying, it happens.) So, a week later I get an electronic mail from my nephew, Stew, who it turns out is kind of a Photoshop genius or something. Because he put together a bunch of images with Izzy wearing different facial hair disguises.

 Let’s go through them:

So, this is the original. No mistaking him here!

Okay, is this not a bad disguise. I'd recognize him for sure, but the lip whiskers are definitely drawing the eye away from the hair and sunglasses.

Okay, this one makes me think he could be spinning some pizza dough. Not bad.

Okay, this one is the best yet. It looks like this Izzy would be at home riding a big ol' hog with some ape hangers. Nice job.

Okay, I'm not sure this one covers enough to make me not notice that it's Izzy. Good try, though.

Okay, I'm not sure what's going on with this one. I would easily spot that it was a fake moustache. The pink circles on the end might make me nervous enough to look away if I saw this guy on the bus.

Didn't I tell you the kid's a genius? He's only nine and able to work magic. I hope these pictures help some of you Izzy Searchers out there get an idea of how he could look in disguises. 

Thanks, Stew!

Izzy Movie is Out!:

Okay, so the movie Izzy Lyon: The Unspun Truth is finally out! And I’ve watched it…about a gajillion times! (I’m exaggerating, of course. T...