Monday, August 1, 2022

We(I) are the Champions, my Friend!

So, when the annals of Izzy Lyon Lore are written, I’m pretty sure that this will be a nice side note. Big thanks to everyone at the VFW for hosting the event, especially Joyce, who took charge. And before you ask, YES, “Craig” showed up! Give the guy credit, he didn’t go full-on weasel.

About 9pm, I sat on a bar stool and was blindfolded. There was a bit of laughing, so I assume that some inappropriate things were going on with these immature chuckleheads, but I didn’t react at all. All business!

So, remember that it was best out of 7. I only needed to get 4 right, aaaaand, boom! I nailed it in 5! But just because I wanted to see it through all the way, I asked to keep going. I only missed one of the 7. It was a tricky one, I mistakenly said that a Swords (real name Tom) Thunder spin was Izzy (but remember, he was a huge Izzy guy and tried to emulate him, so not really that surprising.)

Anyway, they hoisted me up on the stool and paraded me around the bar, Money exchanged hands, drinks were toasted, and it was a great night. Craig was even gracious in the end, and there’s talk about doing this on an annual basis! 

Izzy Movie is Out!:

Okay, so the movie Izzy Lyon: The Unspun Truth is finally out! And I’ve watched it…about a gajillion times! (I’m exaggerating, of course. T...