So, it’s been a while, but if you look back at previously posted posts, you’ll see that there were some shady dealings with a guy named Greg. A guy it turns out that I foolishly trusted. He spun me a tale about a friend and Izzy info, and I fell for it hook, line, and sinker!
Not only did I send this joker a pile of hard-earned dough-ray-me, but I can’t tell you the amount of sleep I lost worrying about this supposed victim of a huckster! He was the huckster all along!
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, we won’t get fooled again!
Yeah, it’s embarrassing admitting all this, but if it helps someone else avoid getting scammed like me, then it is worth it.
Now, for the good news!
Turns out that Greg the scamtoad scammed the wrong folks and now is in jail! That’s right. The system sometimes works! Even better, he has to pay back all of the money he stole from people including yours truly. Big shout-outs going out to Detective Fakerson for getting to the bottom of all this. As soon as I get my bank routing info to him, I’m going to get back all my money plus something called punitive damages. Legal mumbo jumbo aside, it’s nice to know that good things can happen!